Wednesday, November 03, 2004


What next?

Well, it seems that Bush stole the first election and somehow won the second. What a sad reflection on our country. This is a man who has offended nations around the world with his illegal war, aggresive tactics and blatant disregard for the life on this planet. What once could have been viewed as a president out of control has now been endorsed by the majority of Americans. This further increases the danger for Americans abroad, in addition to the increased likelihood of domestic attacks. Americans have rejected safety in favor of more invasive "security" legislation, rejected a healthy planet in favor of cheaper gas and rejected personal freedom in favor of religious legislation.

This is not the America I grew up in. This is an emotional, obese, lazy, selfish, self-centered and violent America that is mesmerised by polemic, empty news of the day rather than spending the time to exercise, study the issues at hand and educate themselves about the world.

There are at least 40-million Americans who foolishly voted away the true freedom that America represents.

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