Thursday, March 31, 2005


Back on Track

Well, I went to a workshop today designed to get people "back on track". Although lately i've been "on track" I felt it couldn't hurt to get a little more. And I was right. This workshop was amazing. The preseneter was fantastic, he was charismatic and encouraging. Reminded me a lot of Liam Neeson's portrayal of Kinsey (read a great review at here).

The take away point is that often times it's the emotional side of tasks that keep you from doing the next one. Things like calling people, or having meetings, or tackling a problem you don't know much about. These all feel scary, so if you can identify the specific "scary" step you can either ask for help, or just face up and do it. But left "undiagnosed" the scary steps moprh into generalized anxiety that prevent you from working on anything.

Good stuff.

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