Monday, March 07, 2005


Feeling Sore?

Well the pickup is done. The fatally deterministic testing has been done -- we drove it across town and the brakes worked. It just feels so rewarding to clean up something mechanical like that and then put brand new shiny (or painted) parts back in. What a reward. I can't imagine what this job would have cost though. $200 just for parts. The bad news is the axle bearings also have to be done. This means either a lot more beer, or a mechnic is going to get a piece of my checkbook.

The really wierd part? I'm sore. It must be that after years of thesis writing all car working-on muscles fade into oblivion. Further, those muscles must be throughout your entire body. I'm sore. It's wierd, all I did was brakes. All though there was a lot of shoving, pulling, cursing, prying, holding, cursing, twisting, cursing, breaking, tweaking, cursing, forgetting, cursing. But why so sore?

Well I'm under the gun to write this post. I just got a call from my landlord that at 9Am the power is going off. It's 9:19AM. I got the call at 9:07AM. Heh.

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