Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Back on Track II

I've been so damn back on track I've neglected my blogging.

So I'm using Yahoo's calender function that comes with their email. You can see mine at

It's really cool. I just add tasks and events and it posts them to the calender. Then I can check them off as they are completed. In addition it accessible wherever there is internet. I like it. It's fun to check off lists. I've been good so far. I've tackled my outline (2nd revision, complete redo). Tomorrow is draft of Chapter 1 and reorganizing everything I've written to match my new outline. Should feel good.

I'm still on track for a May 9th defense. AlthoughI haven't put it on my calender...... Be right back.... There it's official. Yahoo has it stored in there magic storage place.

So if I don't respond to your email. Or answer the phone. Or flush the toliet. It's because I'm working on my thesis.

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